In 2018 Flag Day ended in Troy, NY. It ended the celebration that started as a rebuttal to anti-war protests during the American War in Vietnam era and the (self-claimed) largest Flag Day parade in the nation. We at the FlagSSS Day Collective saw this as an opportunity to hold something new – to celebrate multiplicities, plurality, and being yourself. We founded FlagSSS Day with extra “S’s” to add that flair to the world and to say, FlagSSS Day is a roving party to celebrate being yourself in community!
Original text from the call for participation from the first FlagSSS Day:
In a time of heightened xenophobia and racism and calls for stronger borders, we call on our town to parade in celebration of mulitiplicity, openness, and community. We are calling our communities into the street for Flagsss Day, an early evening parade against singularity in downtown Troy on June 14, 2019.
This is a video collage of sound and video from the first FlagSSS Day celebration in Troy, NY.